Julien Lepiller

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I am a Security Evaluation Engineer at Thales, Toulouse.
I was a member of the Rose group at Yale, United States, where I was working on configuration verification for security. I got my Ph.D in the Celtique team at Inria Rennes in France under the supervision of Thomas Jensen and Frédéric Besson. My thesis was on Software Fault Isolation.
Authors listed in alphabetic order.
Debootstrapping without Archeology: Stacked Implementations in Camlboot
Nathanaëlle Courant, Julien Lepiller, and Gabriel Scherer
The Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming février 2022
Analyzing Infrastructure as Code to Prevent Intra-update Sniping Vulnerabilities
Julien Lepiller, Ruzica Piskac, Martin Schäf, and Mark Santolucito
TACAS 2021 Extended version
Modular Software Fault Isolation as Abstract Interpretation
Frédéric Besson, Thomas Jensen, and Julien Lepiller
Static Analysis. SAS 2018. The final authenticated publication is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-99725-4_12
Lightweight Privacy-Preserving Averaging for the Internet of Things
Tristan Allard, Davide Frey, George Giakkoupis, Julien Lepiller
3rd Workshop on Middleware for Context-Aware Applications in the IoT, , Trento, Italy.
Here are some of my personal projects I particularly like.
The tool related to the “Intra-update Sniping Vulnerabilities” paper. These vulnerabilities happen with Infrastructure as Code. Even when you specify secure initial and target states, there are intermediate states in which your infrastructure might be vulnerable. This tool checks your deployments and warns your if such vulnerabilities are possible.
A fork of the original coquille plugin, improved and ported to neovim. Make coq proofs in neovim! This fork of coquille supports coq 8.6 to 8.10. It uses the multithreading capabilities of neovim to allow abortion of evaluation, parses your _CoqProject to load coq with the libraries you use and supports multiple coq sessions in the same neovim session.
A tool for translators: import translation projects, translate and send your contribution in the way prefered by upstream. Offlate connects to online translation platforms and gets work from them. Then, it allows you to translate offline, with the integrated tool or your favorite tool for the task. For each platform, it knows how to get and submit work so it can keep in sync. It also retains credentials and configuration for each platform and tells you how to get them.